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Why are Diseases Becoming More Common?
For diseases to develop in a crop you need three things. First…

Suppression of White Mold Where Gypsum Is Applied
This past year White Mold was very prevalent in soybean fields…

Why Gypsum Works in Your Soil: Part 6 Other Factors
There have been nearly 50 different benefits listed for gypsum.…

Why Gypsum Works in Your Soil: Part 5 Helps Amend High Aluminum Low pH Subsoils
Soils contain measurable quantities of aluminum. When the pH…

Why Gypsum Works in Your Soils: Part 4. Gypsum offsets high magnesium in soils
In the past and in many “Soils” books magnesium and calcium…

Why Gypsum Works in Your Soil: Part 3 Gypsum Improves Alkali soils
Gypsum has been used for centuries to reclaim sodium affected…

Why Gypsum Works in Your Soil: Part 2 Good Source of Calcium in all Soils
Gypsum contains about 22% calcium and since soil pH has little…

Why Gypsum Works in Your Soil: Part 1 Reduces Surface Sealing
There are many reasons why we see responses from gypsum in agricultural…

Why Does The Analysis of my Alfalfa Test Lower Than Expected?
(Parts of this article are taken from information from Bruce…